1What is DeliverMyStrategy?
Business Guys

DeliverMyStrategy is a suite of business practices, tools, software and expert support that the Caravel Group have developed to increase their own success rate at delivering projects for clients.

It is now available for clients to implement in-house, to achieve similar benefits in their own project delivery capability.

The DeliverMyStrategy method unlocks the constraints to successful delivery by applying principles of complexity theory and behavioural science and using the DeliverMyStrategy software to manage the small amount of key information that's critical for managing uncertainty, and making it visible to the CEO, management team, and across the delivery organisation.
2What are the major components of DeliverMyStrategy?
DeliverMyStrategy is a service offering of the Caravel Group which comprises:
    • Diagnostic tool set that is used to assess your delivery organisation against key success criteria and derive a prioritised 14-point implementation plan.
    • Suite of structured management tools and business practices for reliable, successful delivery of programs, projects and strategic initiatives.
    • Simple cloud-based software for collecting, managing, analysing and communicating selected key information across the delivery organisation (including customers and suppliers).
  • Expert consulting support to implement the system, train executives and staff, embed the change and ensure it is 'bedded down' successfully (and permanently).
  • Ongoing support to ensure you capture the full benefits of the system and provide objective independent assessments as required.
DeliverMyStrategy exerts its influence over all internal business units and external resources involved in delivery, within your chosen  implementation scope.
3What sorts of projects/initiatives is DeliverMyStrategy effective with?
The methodology was initially developed for handling the large infrastructure developments that the Caravel Group has long specialised in, but it has been applied with equal success to strategic change initiatives, a wide range of developments, project portfolios and programs and even business-as-usual project operations.DeliverMyStrategy can handle the largest projects (or portfolios of projects and programs) but is simple and sleek, so it scales well to even small projects and internal strategic and organisational change initiatives. It is often piloted in a relatively small scope to demonstrate the benefits of the method, before being rolled out across much broader work programs and organisations.The system is uniquely effective across different contracting modes including Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), alliances, traditional contracts, outsource relationships and others.DeliverMyStrategy  is completely independent of the type of initiative and caters for all functional areas within a business, as well as being applicable across virtually any industry sector that balances change and business-as-usual priorities.
4Has DeliverMyStrategy been proven in practice?
The DeliverMyStrategy  methodology has been used by Caravel for more than 25 years and delivered billions of dollars worth of projects. The DeliverMyStrategy software is the most recent evolution of the tools that our project managers have been refining for all that time, and has been developed with the modern, industry-standard cloud technology to facilitate the effective deployment and operation of the DeliverMyStrategy solution for a broad range of clients.In one case, DeliverMyStrategy unlocked a 20% schedule saving and $10M budget saving on a single program recovery.It works.
5Is DeliverMyStrategy a project management tool?
DeliverMyStrategy provides whole-of-business visibility into all strategic initiatives, projects, programs and other priorities, allowing the CEO and executive team to identify, focus on, and resolve the key issues that typically cause projects to fail. Equally, it caters for the needs of business unit managers across an organisation and assists them to manage their responsibilities.The software uses small amounts of critical information from across the delivery organisation and analyses it based on some clever science for managing complexity and human behaviour, and it does not require complex integration with ERP, PPM, BI or other operational business systems to be effective.
6Must DeliverMyStrategy integrate with our existing enterprise systems?
DeliverMyStrategy is designed as an 'overlay' to existing enterprise systems (including PPM, ERP, BI, accounting, HRM and others). It does not require complex system integrations and is designed to be 'enterprise system agnostic.'Using a small amount of information carefully selected from normal project and business management reporting, DeliverMyStrategy facilitates the CEO's span of control and provides the reach and visibility they need, even across multiple organisations (including the customers and suppliers who are critical to successful delivery).Project management and other reports and operational documents can be uploaded to supplement the critical core data, and provide forensic defensibility of the DeliverMyStrategy decision-making.
7Does DeliverMyStrategy support PRINCE2, PMBOK, Agile or other project management methodologies?
DeliverMyStrategy is not dependent upon any particular methodology, and works effectively with any method your project manger or organisation might choose to use. It also works well in mixed environments, where different projects are managed with different techniques.Some input from the project management team is required, to deliver status and other key information which can be supplied in virtually any format. Supplementary information is generally supplied in PDF files for attachment to support forensic defensibility of decisions, though virtually any electronic (or scanned) file type is supported.
8Does DeliverMyStrategy support Lean and 6-Sigma programs?
DeliverMyStrategy supports these approaches with respect to the delivery of strategic initiatives. This may include initiatives deriving from Lean or 6-Sigma programs as well as initiatives that are delivered using these techniques.A key element of the DeliverMyStrategy  methodology is “right sizing” the operational, management and governance processes required for any initiative or project. This helps ensure effective and efficient delivery, and is very much aligned with both the Lean and 6-Sigma philosophies.
9Does DeliverMyStrategy work across multiple organisations?
DeliverMyStrategy can be accessed securely from any browser, and users (including suppliers and clients) can access all (and only) those parts of the system for which they have been granted appropriate permissions (generally based on their role and profile).No one can access information that they have not been given permission to access and appropriate roles should be defined for everyone in the project delivery organisation.
10Is the DeliverMyStrategy software secure?
DeliverMyStrategy uses secure SSL/HTTPS protocols for all network communication and user access is controlled by secure logins with role- and profile-based access control that is fully configurable by the administrator. Users can access only the parts of the system appropriate for them to plan, update and access the information relevant to their role, profile and organisation.The system is generally accessed from the Caravel Group shared enterprise-grade server environment, but can also be deployed within a corporate network or in a trusted 3rd-party computing environment (though additional costs will apply).The system is built on enterprise-grade commercial platform technology that is supported, monitored, patched and kept fully updated by our operations and security experts.[/box][/toggle]
11Can we use our enterprise systems (ERP, PPM, BI, CRM, HRM, etc) instead of the DeliverMyStrategy software?
Enterprise systems deliver primarily operational data to support day-to-day management oversight of ordinary operations (including ordinary project management) - and they're designed very well for this purpose.DeliverMyStrategy is designed to complement these systems and focus on the specific issues and events that have historically caused projects, strategic initiatives and major change programs to fail. Identifying and highlighting these specific critical points is what allows CEOs and executive teams to apply focused attention in the right place at the right time - this is not the task of an ERP.DeliverMyStrategy allows the upload of enterprise system reports to track the linkage between delivery decision-making and operational status data to provide for the forensic defensibility of DeliverMyStrategy reporting and decision-making.The diagram below illustrates where DeliverMyStrategy is positioned in context of other Management Support SolutionsDMS and Big Data
12Is DeliverMyStrategy a new management philosophy?
DeliverMyStrategy is merely an implementation of a number of existing, proven management approaches that have been applied successfully for years. Caravel Group have amalgamated academic research and practical experience to build tools and training to help our clients apply these approaches successfully and reliably to the management of complexity and uncertainty - to get your projects delivered.The DeliverMyStrategy software is unique, and has been developed to provide a consistent and reliable way to apply this approach within the enterprise - without constructing a new, dedicated and expensive information layer.
13Can we deploy and operate DeliverMyStrategy on our own?
You'll need the executive education and user training during your initial deployment, but that can be provided on a 'train the trainer' basis and there's no reason why DeliverMyStrategy can't be operated without any further involvement from Caravel Group.We would, however, recommend that refresher training and maintenance of skills as a result of organisational churn be taken into account in your planning whether you get that training from us or not.
14 Can Caravel Group provide ongoing support to my team?
Deployment generally begins with an initial diagnostic assessment by Caravel Group that identifies key areas that need to be addressed and develops a 14 point solution plan focusing individually on each of the main issues that impact successful delivery. Elements of this plan can be allocated to internal or external support resources to execute, with appropriate support and follow-up as required in each area.During the implementation (often through a pilot and roll-our process) we will work flexibly with your team to make sure that the right skills and expertise are deployed on the right tasks at the right time to ensure a smooth transition.Once the system is deployed Caravel Group can provide ongoing services to operate, maintain and monitor the management system on your behalf, and can provide an independent and expert assessment of issues as they arise. Should it be required, we can provide an Independent Project Governor (IPG) service where specific initiatives require independent oversight and/or a little extra 'horsepower' to make sure they're successful.
15Can DeliverMyStrategy be deployed in any size organisation?
The time and effort required to implement DeliverMyStrategy depend more on the complexity of your strategic initiatives than the size of the organisation - and so do the benefits to be derived. DeliverMyStrategy is designed to provide any CEO with span of control and visibility of key issues anywhere within the delivery organisation - which includes suppliers and customers and may be much larger than just your company.DeliverMyStrategy requires a very specific and minimal set of information to be effective within an organisation, making it relatively easy to deploy over both small and large organisations.
16My people are busy - how much effort is involved in maintaining DeliverMyStrategy?
Very little.
DeliverMyStrategy doesn't replicate existing operational systems or management reporting, but does require some information from within them, using a very small subset of normal business and project management data to maintain system information.The overhead is very small relative to the value delivered by DeliverMyStrategy.Once implemented, the methodology will also allow a significant reduction the requirement for other reporting systems and saving of the associated overhead - net effort is generally significantly reduced by deploying DeliverMyStrategy.[/box] [/toggle]
17How do you deploy DeliverMyStrategy to suppliers or clients?
DeliverMyStrategy should be included as a requirement in commercial agreements with customers and suppliers.As a minimum, the disclosure and maintenance of information in DeliverMyStrategy (a very low overhead) should be included in your engagements, along with allowances for assessments by your organisation or a third party (not dissimilar to the ISO9001 assessment requirements).
18Are the assessments time consuming?
Assessments are tailored for the specific needs of each organisation and our standard templates are simple to use. For a small additional charge, the assessments can be tailored to your specific organisation and strategic delivery context.

DeliverMyStrategy may well be the answer to all your program, portfolio and project delivery questions - it just works, and it makes your organisation work, too.

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