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DeliverMyStrategy® is a new approach to “delivery governance” for projects, organisational change, and major strategic initiatives. Along with some clever cloud software, this powerful methodology makes real issues measurable and actionable – because what gets measured gets done.

Despite decades of work in dozens of industries, more than 50% of projects still fail – success rates have barely changed. But Caravel Group have consistently delivered over 80% of the toughest, most complex projects around.

Our success is the result of extensive research into the root causes of project failures – and how to avoid them – and our solution is called DeliverMyStrategy®. Now your team can use it,  too.

It won’t work miracles, but it will bring clear visibility and real control to your whole delivery organisation – including suppliers, partners and external stakeholders.

The cleverness is dealing with inherent complexity – in organisations, projects and the real people the deliver them. It can’t solve all your problems, but it can show the right executives (and everyone else) where and what the real, root-cause problems are, and who needs help to solve them – before they impact your budget & schedule.

DeliverMyStrategy® complements existing IT systems to provide CEOs, senior management (and the rest of the team) with critical insight into exactly when, where, and how the team needs help to deliver – real delivery governance.

Applying real-world experience combined with rigorous research and modern automation, DeliverMyStrategy® transforms cumbersome governance process frameworks into a pro-active delivery capability. Visibility of every part of the delivery organisation, combined with with the reach to respond, lets everyone focus on delivery and the governance team can resolve critical issues immediately – more effectively than traditional project/corporate governance or portfolio/project management alone.

DeliverMyStrategy Governance CycleCaravel Group research has identified that there are now 5 root causes behind virtually all major project failures today, and DeliverMyStrategy® works as a targeted governance early-warning system for all 5:

    • Project Governance is dis-empowered, conflicted or misaligned with project goals
    • Delivery Processes are cumbersome and/or don’t address the real drivers of behaviour
    • External Teams fall outside the visibility and reach of project management
  • Reporting Cycles delay effective management responses by weeks or months
  • Complexity makes conflicts between change and business-as-usual inevitable

That’s how a small investment in DeliverMyStrategy® can bring such enormous benefit. It’s going to take some hard work and will change how you govern and manage project delivery, but the benefits have been shown to be substantial:

DeliverMyStrategy CEO with Team
A simple change – with a massive impact.

    • Improve your project delivery success rate – by 50%.
    • Increase organisational Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) – by 12%.
    • Build sustainable competitive advantage – execute on your strategy reliably.
    • Reduce organisational overhead – avoid unnecessary, self-imposed ‘red tape’.
  • Empower CEOs to identify when action is required – and take it immediately.
  • Reduce risk across your organisation – and act before risks are realised.

Butterfly WingDeliverMyStrategy® can make your job easier – and more successful.

DeliverMyStrategy® brings the power of simplicity to the management of complexity.

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